some of the vinyl covers feature GORE. This isn't youtube I'm not gonna blur it out.
last updated: 03/02/2025


deathrats - s/t
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

rape revenge - paper cage
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

stresscase - cut me off
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

sad boys cry now cry later
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

aus rotten - fuck nazi sympathy
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

deterioration haggus split
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

despise you
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

Haggus/Recalcitrant split
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)


violent restiution - s/t
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

dystopia - human = garbage
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

des ark -dont rock the boat sink the fucker
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

La Dispute – Somewhere At The Bottom Of The River Between Vega And Altair
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)

the used - s/t
(youtube | bandcamp | spotify)
My first vinyl I ever collected was The Unseen - Complete Singles Collection 1994-2000 2x lp edition and I unfortunately dont have it anymore, but I remember that I specifically threw it away. I don't remmeber why, probably to rid myself of the person who gave it to me, but I really reget it. It was given to me when I was 18, when I was still a little crust punk in Portland who couldn't afford to collect vinyls. My collection now still isn't that big, but I'm workin' on it.

Here are the records I have yet to post:
- stresscase
- death rats
- >aus rotten
- >pizza hi five
- >rape revenege
- >sad boys
- >william bonney/droughts split
- (not going to post) alphabet cult reno comp #4
- (not going to post) spitting teeth 1-2-go
- (not going to post) the agenda
- (not going to post) battle unicorn
- (not going to post) cerce [i don't have the cover just the vinyl :(]
- (not going to post) oi polloi + atu [the cover is also a poster and its hanging on my wall]
- (not going to post) adhdod [i just dont fuck with these people anymore]
- dirt
- despise you
- haggus + recalcitrant
- deteriation + haggus
- rape revenge>

- >the used s/t
- >la dispute
- >des ark
- >violent restiution
- tyler the creator
- >dystopia
- >dystopia
- man is the basard mantra
- man is the bastard
- bastard noise live
- plutocracy
- chappel roan