Brand New Shoes by Febuary
You’re too far away to remember your face
And it feels, and it feels, like something I replaced
I wish you could stay for another day
So I could feel, so I could feel safe
I hope you feel better
Than you did
I hope you feel better
Than you did
Don't bother leaving shitty messages. I will delete them. Fuck off.
12/16/24 updated music of the day to Brand New Shoes by Feburary, I can't stop listening to Febuary, I want to move to vegas and see them live, theres so many emo bands I like out there now. I didn't update the art of the day because I am trying to make the only art I post on there art I actually purchased and the last art I purchased was Foie.
12/09/24 added new photos. added a new zine written by best friend to the zines page, Impact Imminent
05/03/24 updated music and art spotlight
04/13/24 updated and scanned new stuff for my zines page. What The Oracle Forsaw, Smoking Pigs: Images of Resistance, Never Slow: volume 1
02/29/24 created a page for my punk vests
01/04/24 Happy new year! I brought back the pink gingham, got rid of some old graphics and working on sprucing up the place a little bit.
12/01/23 ive been updating a ton of things. theres a chatbox now, updated my patches page, created a page to post about my cat Kinny
11/26/23 added chat, new art + song spotlight, few things here and there
01/23/23 music and art spotlight is back!
11/26/22 i added a sitemap! its very helpful so far. i also added ato do list, updated my zines page, updated my about me page, working on a vegan page. organized a lot behind the scenes.
05/15/22 updated the art page. added some unposted things, previously posted things. changed up the page. it'll change again soon
09/21/21 i removed music spotlight and art spotlight because i havent kept up with it in so long. i'm sure it'll make a return but for now it's on hiatus. im also in the process of simplifying a lot of my image heavy pages.
07/01/21 im exhuasted with work but ive become passionate about the small web. ive been back on the neocities kick for the whole month of June and my ideas are a little dry right now or the involve thoughtfulness i dont have the time for. thinking about buying a domain.
06/15/21 i still havent updated the music or art but i changed it from music and art of the day to music and art ~spotlight~. im working on new projects and flipping through my ideas so you'll see more than a few pages that are under construction. sorry for how messy everything constantly is
05/13/21 oh gosh almost a full year since ive updated the music of the day and the art of day. ive spent a lot less time listening to new music or finding new art but hopefully i will find the right artists to share on here soon.
07/24/20 updated music page. yesterday i updated my about me page
07/19/20 updated music and art otd, new journal entry. working on a new aesthetic.
04/13/20 added a page for my band bestsundaydress. working on updating a lot of things
12/24/19 updated music and art otd
11/30/19 updated music and art otd
11/28/19 created a myspace page
11/27/19 updated links page. updated aeshethics for every listed page
11/26/19 there was probably a way easier way of adding the guestbook button than editing every listed page i have but oh well
11/01/19 added poetry page. added lyrics i like page the other day. working on organizing.
10/28/19 i could not stand the halloween layout anymore